My first idea was to stencil it using commercial stencils. That is, until I learned how much seven (or ten) stencils of the necessary size would cost. Next, I considered stick-on vinyl letters. Again, prohibitively expensive and limited in font and color. Back to stencilling. I decided to cut the stencils myself. I've stenciled before, but the idea of cutting and then using homemade stencils to do script letters (yes, he requested script) really stymied me.
For months, I cogitated. There must be an easier way.
Finally, two weeks before Christmas, it came to me! Find a font on the computer; print out the letters one per page; enlarge them to the necessary size at Kinko's; apply the letter/templates to foam core (only $1 a sheet at the Dollar Store!) using clear packing tape; cut them out with a craft knife (another couple of dollars for new, sharp blades); paint them using leftover latex primer and paint (the exact color he wanted); then, adhere to the wall using removable foam sticky squares. With Mina's help, of course.
It worked. He is happy. About this, anyway.
Frugal, ingenious, and beautiful.